Cup Cake Raisin

Minggu, 19 April 2009

Cup Cake Raisin

Cup Cake Raisin
250 grams of Margarine
200 grams sugar
5 eggs
175 gram wheat flour
50 grams of maize
50 grams of raisins, small slices.
Strawberi for decoration.

How to Make:
� shake Margarine and sugar until soft.
� Enter the eggs one by one while still in the shake
� Add wheat flour and maizena while in the sieve. Confused with the spatula, enter raisins, poke back
� Prepare the mold that has been given a paper cup base. Enter the dough into it. Roast in oven with a temperature of 175o C for 35 minutes until cooked. Lift, with a decorative strawberi, serve.

Cup Cake Raisin
250 gram margarine
200 gram gula pasir
5 butir telur
175 gram tepung terigu
50 gram tepung maizena
50 gram kismis, iris kecil-kecil.
Strawberi untuk hiasan.

Cara Membuat:
  • Kocok margarine dan gula pasir hingga lembut.

  • Masukkan telur satu per Satu sambil terus di kocok

  • Tambahkan tepung terigu dan maizena sambil diayak. Aduk dengan spatula, masukkan kismis, aduk kembali

  • Siapkan cetakan yang telah dialasi paper cup. Masukkan adonan ke dalamnya. Panggang dalam oven dengan suhu 175o C selama 35 menit hingga matang. Angkat, hiasi dengan strawberi, sajikan.

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