Chocolate Bar Cake

Minggu, 19 April 2009

Chocolate Bar Cake

Chocolate Bar Cake

800 grams sugar
M80 milliliter of water
200 grams cooking chocolate, cut small dice
70 grams cocoa powder
6 tablespoon corn syrup
300 ml condensed milk sweet
4 spoon the vanilla essens
300 grams of fresh butter
250 grams of almond nuts, fry without oil and finely chopped

How to create:
� Prepare the plate heat-resistant, plastic pad give.
� Mix sugar, water and cocoa powder, poke average. Cooking on a small fire while stirred until sugar dissolves.
� corn syrup, cooking chocolate, sweet condensed milk and vanilla, even confused. Measure up to summer temperatures reach 24o C, lift.
� Enter the butter, poke the dough flat until soft. cooled.
� Enter the Almond chopped nuts, poke, enter in the refractory plate. Justify.
� Store in refrigerator until chocolate hard, then remove it, cut the size of the box 2x2x1 centimeters. Or appropriate taste. Serve.

Chocolate Bar Cake
800 gram gula pasir
M80 mili liter air
200 gram cokelat masak, potong dadu kecil
70 gram cokelat bubuk
6 sendok makan sirup jagung
300 ml susu kental manis
4 sendok teh essens vanili
300 gram mentega tawar
250 gram kacang almond, sangrai dan cincang halus

Cara membuat:
  • Siapkan pinggan tahan panas, alasi plastik, sisihkan.
  • Campur gula pasir, air dan cokelatbubuk, aduk rata. Masak di atas api kecil sambil diaduk hingga gula larut.
  • Tuang sirup jagung, cokelat masak, susu kental manis dan vanili, aduk rata. Ukur hingga panas mencapai suhu 24o C, angkat.
  • Masukkan mentega, aduk rata hingga adonan lembut. Sisihkan dan dinginkan.
  • Masukkan kacang Almond cincang, aduk, tuang ke dalam pinggantahan panas. Ratakan.
  • Simpan dalam lemari pendingin hingga cokelat keras, lalu keluarkan, potong ukuran kotak 2x2x1 centimeter. Atau sesuai selera. Sajikan.

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